2. It should be noted that in that sicha the Rebbe does in fact go on to answer his question concerning the unusual order of the levels of the Neshama that were described.
3. This is one of many sources where the Rebbe describes the level of a Rebbe as being inherently beyond our comprehension. Here the Rebbe says a wondrous thing: The reason that the Rebbeim were sent into this world was to reveal G–dliness in preparation for the revelation of G–dliness in the age of Moshiach. A similar idea is found in the famous letter in which the Baal Shem Tov describes how his soul ascended to the chamber of Moshiach, and the Baal Shem Tov asked Moshiach, “When will the master come?” “When the wellsprings of your teachings are disseminated outward,” Moshiach responded. As is well-known, the Rebbeim of Chabad explain that this means that we prepare the world for the coming of Moshiach by revealing and widely disseminating the teachings of Chassidus.
Since only a Rebbe can reveal Chassidus and the main revelation of Chassidus as a preparation for the coming of Moshiach is performed by the Rebbeim of Chabad, it follows that it is the Rebbeim of Chabad who perform the main preparation of the world for the coming of Moshiach.
However, here the Rebbe presents a different, albeit complementary idea: The very presence of the Rebbeim in the world and even their interaction with people in a setting that did not involve teaching sublime concepts—“(the Rebbe) responds to everyone face to face ... he would speak mostly in Yiddish, and sometimes mix in a word from English or Russian, and the like”—reveals “the spirit of G–d” to the world in a way that prepares it for the revelation of “the glory of G–d” via Moshiach.
This implies that the degree of the intensity of the revelation of G–dliness via the Rebbeim of Chabad is so great that it is able to make us fit for the ultimate revelation of G–dliness after the redemption arrives. Moreover, so intense is this revelation that it is associated with the divine quality of nimna ha’nimna’os, which as is known, is a quality associated with the very Essence of Hashem—Atzmuso Umehuso yisboreich—as is implied in the responsum of the Rashba and discussed in many places in the Ma’amorim of the Rebbe.
Hashem’s Essence is the level that will be revealed when Moshiach comes, for then the world’s purpose will be fulfilled—that it become a dwelling place for Hashem’s very Essence. Thus, the revelation of G–dliness via the Rebbeim, who reveal this level to the extent possible before Moshiach comes, prepares us for the revelation of this level by Moshiach himself after he brings the Redemption.
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