He wrote a pirush on Chumash, Gemara, Rif, and other seforim. In his old age, the Ramban had to leave France and settled in Eretz Yisroel where he passed away 11 Nissan, 1270.
In the days of the Ramban there was a Christian priest who was very renowned for his humility and unassuming personality. The Ramban decided to meet him After the Ramban observed his conduct for some time, he made a meeting with him and asked, "I have a very big question to ask you. It says in our Torah that the most humble person ever to live was Moshe Rabbeinu, but I see that you are far more humble than Moshe, how could this be?” The priest said to him, "You know, this question bothers me as well.” The Ramban replied, “If so, I have my answer already".
The Ramban had a talmid named Reb Avner. Unfortunately, Reb Avner strayed from the path of Torah and became a meshumad (apostate). He lived a life of fortune and became very powerful in the secular world. One Yom Kippur, he sent for his Rebbe, the Ramban. In the Ramban’s presence, Avner slaughtered a pig, cooked it, and ate it. He then asked the Ramban how many times was he .liable for the ‘kareis’ punishment. The Ramban answered four. Avner said five He wanted to argue but the Ramban gave him a sharp look that stopped him as .he still had some awe for his Rebbe The Ramban asked him about his abandonment of Yiddishkeit.
“You once taught that the Parsha of Ha’azinu contains everything in it; all of the mitzvos and occurrences in the world. I could not believe such a thing, and it turned me away.” The Ramban said, “I do not retract my statement, you are in it too.” The Ramban went to a corner and davened to be able to find Avner’s name. He then I had said I will scatter”) "אמרתי אפאיהם אשביתה מאנוש זכרם" ,recited the possuk them, I will cause their memory to cease from man”), pointed out that the third Avner’s face changed. He asked the Ramban if .ר' אבנר letter of each word spells ,there is any way he could mend his past.
The Ramban turned to leave and said "You see what the possuk says.” Avner took a boat without a sail or a sailor and went to sea, never to be seen again. The Rebbe related this story (Shabbos Parshas Haazinu 5742) and pointed out that in the Torah he is referred to as Reb Avner. This is because it is certain that he will eventually do teshuvah and claim that title.
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