
Zero to Three in under Twenty Four

In one of his talks about the revelation of Moshiach, the Rebbe emphasizes that this revelation can occur with remarkable speed—so quickly, in fact, that we could find ourselves in the Third Temple within minutes, where the Kohanim would immediately begin fulfilling their duties.

This teaching is based on a Jewish law prohibiting Kohanim from drinking wine, even today, due to the concern that intoxication would disqualify them from serving in the Temple.

The Rebbe raises an intriguing question: "According to Jewish law, isn’t 24 minutes sufficient time for someone to sober up from wine intoxication? If so, why are Kohanim still prohibited from drinking wine? Even if a Kohen becomes intoxicated, wouldn’t he be sober and ready to serve within 24 minutes?"

The issue lies in the fact that the Third Temple could descend from above, fully built and in its complete splendor, in less than 24 minutes. In such a case, a drunken Kohen wouldn’t have time to sober up before service begins.

Therefore, even in the present day, Kohanim are forbidden to drink wine.

The Rebbe, King Moshiach, concludes: "This teaches us that when considering the time it might take for the construction of the Third Temple, we must recognize that it can happen in an instant!"

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