
Rebbe's advice

Ed Joyce used to have a famous talk show – “The Talk of New York” – before he became president of CBS News.

He  went to see the Rebbe and him the following:  “If the Jews are the Chosen People, what role is there for someone like me who is not Jewish?"

The Rebbe answered, “Everyone has an individual role, and we can’t do our part unless others do their part. Just like a body and all its limbs. If you want to go forward and take something, your feet have to take you over to the object, your hands have to pick it up, and so on. It doesn’t work any other way. You can’t leave your feet here and your hands there. This is the way the world functions too, and every person has a reason for which he was created. Each one has to do his part so the other one can do his part.”

Ed Joyce was very impressed with that answer; so impressed that he wanted his wife and children to meet the Rebbe.

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