
Afghanistan - 5781

The current year is 5781, the last letters are pey and alef, if reversed, they read "af" or anger as in "Afghanistan". 

During his speech in 1980, the Rebbe King Moshiach mentioned the war between Gog and Magog, which our prophets and sages speak about.

At first glance, the Rebbe said, this is a terrible event for the Jewish people.
But then the Rebbe announced that this poses no threat to the Jews!
The non-Jewish nations will fight each other, as it is says in Psalms (2: 1): "The nations are indignant and the tribes are plotting in vain. He who sits in Heaven laughs, G-d mocks them."

And then, quite unexpectedly, the Rebbe mentioned ... Afghanistan! After that, the Rebbe repeated that the war between Gog and Magog would not affect the Jews and added that the prophecy is not about Jerusalem itself, but about the places around it.

But what does Afghanistan have to do with it?

It seems that the Rebbe's prophetic mention of Afghanistan 40 years ago is related to current events. Just today, the media reported on the intention of the Taliban to turn Afghanistan into a "cradle of jihad". "The peoples and tribes are indignant and are plotting in vain!" But we have nothing to fear in Israel. "He who sits in heaven laughs, Gd mocks them." Moreover, the Almighty protects the Holy Land and its inhabitants, as it is said in the Torah
(Deutoronomy 11:12):

 “The Land of Israel, about which Gd, your Almighty, always cares; constantly are the eyes of Gd, your Almighty, are on the Land, from the beginning of the year to the end of the year. "

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