
The Three Roosters

A few weeks before the Russian attack on Ukraine, Rabbi Grossman in Israel related the following: 

"When I was a child, a certain person told my father a story and it has stuck in my head ever since"

That person once visited the Rebbe of Stolin, Rabbi Yisrael Perlov (1868-1921), who said to those present: “Do you know what will happen before the arrival of Moshiach? Two roosters will fight each other, and the third rooster will come and strike both. The Jewish people, thanks to their faith in the Most High, the G-d of Israel, will survive.” People asked him what he was talking about and who were those roosters.

He said: “The two roosters are America and Russia. The third is China. It seems that the comments are connected with the verse in Isaiah (27:1) "the serpent that coils will kill the monster that is in the sea." 

 The commentators explain that these three beings (the straight serpent, the crooked serpent, and the sea dragon) represent the three nations who will be defeated in the war of Gog and Magog (RADAK), the "day of vengeance" (Malbim). 

Among the comments we find: 

 1. RASHI (d. 1105): Pharaoh, king of Egypt, Sancherib, king of Ashura, and Esau, ancestor of Edom (Romans)

2. RADAK (d. 1235): Edom, Ishmael (Arabs), India.

3. "Metsudat David" (d. 1769): Edom, Ishmael, other peoples on the sea islands

4. MALBIM (d. 1879): A nation protected by its mountainous geography, a nation protected by its vast size and population, a strong and powerful nation. “For, behold, the Lord comes out of his place to punish the inhabitant of the earth for his sinfulness; and the earth will reveal the blood (swallowed up) by it, and will no longer cover its slain.”

Commentators explain that this also refers to the war of Gog and Magog until Divine Justice avenges the blood of Israel shed by the peoples of the world.

In the days of  Jonathan Eibeschutz (1690  – 1764 ) the Austrian emperor asked  - what type of Moshiach are you expecting? and how will this unfold?

The Eibeshitzer answered - all the strong, powerful roosters will fight one another but the weaker one will just sit it out, that's Yisroel.

Original: https://moshiach.ru/view/kaleidoscope/19893.html

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