
ISIS , Palmyra

Palmyra or Tadmor (  Tarmod )is mentioned in the Gemora as a place whose inhabitants took part in the destruction of the Beis Hamikdash....


When the Midrash says that וְיִרַשׁ זַרְעֲךָ, אֵת שַׁעַר אֹיְבָיו refers to Tarmud ,  the Rada"l says explicitly that Tadmor has Arabs and Yishme'elim:
"This is Tarmud" - this is Tadmor in the desert among the cities that Shelomo built.  And it is on the opening of an Arabian desert where Arabs and Yishmaelites reside.  And this is why it says about them the gate of his enemies.  As it says in Pirkei DeRibbi Eliezer at the end of chapter 28and chapter 48 that אויביו ["his enemies"] refers to Yishmael.
Apparently, it needs to be destroyed by ISIS first, as per the gemara Yevamot and Midrash Eicha Rabbati/Yerushalmi Ta'anit.  Only afterwards will it be inherited by the Jewish people, Bimhera Veyameinu, Amen

  • And we'll bring down Rav Glazerson's Torah code where we see the one and only code for "דמשק תפול" [Damascus will fall] and nearby, there is:
    •  "דעאש", "כובש", "תדמר", המלחמה", "כ' סיון", "תשע"ה", "משיח"  [ISIS captures Tadmor.  The war Sivan 20, 5775.  Mashiah]


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